Equality and Diversity

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Information on recent equality legislation and the Council's strategy in meeting its equality duties.

Every year we publish information to demonstrate our compliance with the public sector equality duty (PSED) as required under the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011.
The Equality Act 2010 has replaced the previous anti-discrimination laws with a single Act, providing greater fairness, consistency and protection against many forms of discrimination.
These policies outline what Ipswich Borough Council is doing to eliminate discrimination and to promote equality within the organisation and across the borough.
The Council carries out Equality Impact Assessments (EQIAs), which are a systematic way to ensure that policies, services and procedures do not have an adverse impact on any particular group of people.

Contact Details

Ipswich Borough Council,
Equality and Diversity,
Grafton House,
15-17 Russell Road,

Telephone icon

01473 432224