Ipswich Loves Tree Week 2024

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Ipswich Loves Trees Week

Ipswich Loves Trees Week is a week-long celebration that happens each February.

As we come to the end of our tree planting season, the week is an opportunity to celebrate all the trees we love in Ipswich.

We'd like to thank our tree wardens, residents and volunteers who helped us plant trees this year. 

As we look ahead to planting our tree planting next year, please get in touch if there are any locations in Ipswich that could benefit from more trees and if you're able to support at any future planting events.

Please email: ipswichtreewardens@ipswich.gov.uk

Please note that grass verges along the highway are the responsibility of Suffolk County Council, and therefore we're unable to replace trees in these areas.

Share your love for Ipswich's trees on social media using the hashtag #IpswichLovesTrees

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Contact Details

Parks & Cemeteries,
Ipswich Borough Council,
3E Grafton House,
15 - 17 Russell Road,

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01473 432000