Licences and permits

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Find out about licensing requirements and how to apply for a licence or permit. Includes taxi licensing, alcohol and entertainment premises, industrial licences and more.

Regulations applying to street and house-to-house collections.
Provides information on how to apply for scrap metal dealers site and mobile collectors licence.
The Licensing Act 2003 requires the Licensing Authority to publish a Statement of Licensing Policy (Statement) setting out the basis on which it will perform its licensing functions.
Local Government Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1982 for Pavement Licences
The main function of Ipswich Borough Council’s Licensing and Enforcement Service is to protect the public and environment. We do this by helping our customers achieve the standards required to obtain a licence whilst avoiding unnecessary expense.


Contact Details

Licensing and Enforcement,
Ipswich Borough Council,
3W Grafton House,
15-17 Russell Road,

Telephone icon

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