Business Rates information 2024-25
If you have made an overpayment or if your Business Rates account is in credit, please complete this online form.
Ipswich Borough Council is pleased to introduce a new set of guidelines for buskers and street performers operating in Ipswich.
To celebrate the launch of the Ipswich Busking Guide, Ipswich Borough Council will be hosting a Busking Showcase during the next Ipswich Weekender on Saturday 23 March 2024.
You must register with the Council for Business Rates when you move in or out of the premises.
Ipswich residents have the opportunity to apply for a second brown bin to help them recycle more of their garden waste.
Business Rates online forms
Your black bin is for any waste that cannot be either recycled or composted.
Your blue bin is for recycling clean, dry items such as paper, cans, cardboard and rigid plastic food and drink containers.
