How Business Rates work

Business Rates

National Non Domestic Rates (often called Business Rates) is a national tax collected locally by the Council which is payable by the occupier or owner of business property.

An element of what is collected locally by the Council is then paid across to Central Government as well as Suffolk County Council. From 1 April 2013, all Councils will retain some of this money and specifically a proportion of any growth in Business Rates. In Suffolk, a 'pooling' arrangement has been agreed to maximise the amount of money retained and protect against the risk of reductions in Business Rates income.

Your authority's share of Business Rate income, together with income from its Council Tax payers, money from the Government, and from fees and charges, is used to pay for the services provided by your authority and other local authorities in your area.

Business Rates, or Non Domestic Rates, are calculated by multiplying the property's rateable value by the Government multiplier.

The Government multiplier is set by Central Government and is adjusted in line with the rate of inflation. The Standard multiplier and Small Business multiplier can be found here