Fairtrade in Ipswich

What is Fairtrade?

Fairtrade is a familiar term, but just 20 years ago it didn't mean much to most people. Now it is a global movement growing in strength and popularity.

Fairtrade is what it says it is - it guarantees a better deal for producers in the developing world.

During Fairtrade Fortnight in 2008, Ipswich achieved its aim and was granted Fairtrade Status.

The purpose of a Fairtrade Town

The purpose of a Fairtrade Town is to contribute to the Fairtrade Foundation's aim of tackling poverty across the globe by enabling disadvantaged producers from poor countries to receive a better deal through encouraging support for the Fairtrade Mark.

Goals to Become a Fairtrade Town

To become a Fairtrade Town there are five goals that need to be met:

  • Ipswich Borough Council has passed a resolution supporting fairtrade and serves fairtrade coffee and tea at its meetings and in its offices.
  • Fairtrade products are readily available in the area's shops, cafés and catering establishments.
  • Fairtrade products are used by a range of local workplaces and community organisations within the town.
  • Attract media coverage and popular support for the campaign.
  • A local Steering Group has been established to ensure that there is continued support and commitment and support for fairtrade within our town. Email fairtradeipswich@gmail.com.

Useful websites