Preventing radicalisation

What is Prevent?

Prevent is a national safeguarding programme that aims to reduce the threat to the UK from terrorism by stopping people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism through radicalisation. Prevent is safeguarding for children and adults and providing early intervention to protect and divert people away from being drawn into terrorist activity.

Radicalisation means someone is being encouraged to develop extreme views or beliefs in support of terrorist groups and activities.

Vulnerabilities to look out for, that could make someone susceptible to radicalisation:

  • A desire for political or moral change
  • Being influenced or controlled by a group
  • A need to dominate and control others
  • A desire for excitement or adventure
  • A desire for status
  • Relevant mental health issues
  • A need for identity and belonging
  • Feeling under threat
  • Feelings of grievance and injustice

Signs / behaviours to look out for:

  • Change of clothing
  • New friends
  • Argumentative
  • Inappropriate language (Hate Crime)
  • Ignoring views different to their own
  • Socially withdrawn and isolated
  • Increased internet use
  • Loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy
  • Resentment to authority
  • Being increasingly secretive
  • Scripted speech

What should you do?

If you notice these signs, it’s important to ACT now:

  • Assess the risk
  • Challenge extremist views
  • Tell your local police force

How do I report?

  • If you are concerned somebody is being radicalised in your community please contact your local police force by dialling 101 and ask for the Prevent team, or if you require urgent police assistance dial 999.
  • You can report suspicious activity by calling the confidential anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321. 
  • If you encounter material on the internet that you think may be illegal, offensive, or linked to extremist behaviour, you can report it online by clicking the button below. 

Note: The button opens in a new window.

Report online

You can all the ACT early support line on 0800 011 3764, open 9am to 5pm every day.

Find out more

For further information and to report terrorist or extremist content, visit Counter Terrorism Policing.