Are you interested in the future of Ipswich?

Published11th June 2020

On the 10th of June 2020 Ipswich Borough Council submitted it’s Local Plan Review to the Government for examination. The new Plan will replace the existing adopted Ipswich local Plan from 2017 and will cover the period from 2018-2036, setting out the vision for Ipswich in 2036 and how this will be achieved.

We asked you what you wanted the future of Ipswich to look like and we have used your responses to help shape our final Plan which sets out the vision, objectives, spatial strategy and policies required to achieve sustainable development across the Borough and which identifies where this growth should be located by allocating sites for development and areas for protection.

Our vision is for Ipswich to continue to be a county town that everyone in Suffolk will feel proud of. Over the period of the Plan, through guiding sustainable development we aim to provide the new homes to meet resident’s needs, enhance the vitality of the town centre, tackle deprivation and inequalities across the town, improve accessibility and public transport across the Borough, protect and enhance our rich natural and historic environment, and improve air quality in the town. ,

To find out more, you can view the new Ipswich Local Plan documents on the submission page here. For further updates on the examination process please visit here.