Ipswich Borough Council to consider adopting a revised Local Plan to govern development

Published3rd March 2022

Every council is required by the Government to have an up-to-date Local Plan. Local Plans set out our general planning policies – which must be in line with government policies – and our ambitions for possible development sites. Without an approved – and up-to-date - Local Plan, it is hard to prevent developers building what they want and where they want.

Our Local Plan has been out to consultation – with residents, land-owners and businesses and many other organisations such as Suffolk County Council and the Environment Agency. We are fortunate in Ipswich because our Plan has been now endorsed by the government’s independent Planning Inspectors. This means we can now decide to formally adopt it as our new Plan – and a paper to the Council’s Executive on the matter will be considered on 8 March 2022. Details are here – page 21. If adopted, it will replace the 2017 adopted Local Plan and be the 4th version of a Local Plan adopted by the Council in the last 25 years.