On 14th December 2015 Ipswich Borough Council submitted its Local Plan for Examination, which consists of the following two development plan documents (DPDs):
The Council undertook public consultation on its proposed submission versions of the two documents between 12th December 2014 and 5th March 2015. As a result of changes to national planning policy and guidance, and a number of responses received during this consultation, the Council undertook public consultation on Pre-Submission Main Modifications between 9th October and 23rd November 2015.
Copies of the representations from these consultations are available to view via the Ipswich Local Plan consultation system.
The following documents have been submitted:
These documents can be viewed via the Core Document Library.
The Submission notice sets out the details of submission including where and when paper copies of the documents listed above can be viewed.
Inspector Malcolm Rivett BA (Hons) MSc MRTPI has been appointed to examine the soundness of the submitted plans. The council has appointed an independent Programme Officer whose contact details are shown below. All contact with the Inspector is made via the Programme Officer.
Mrs Annette Feeney
Programme Officer
c/o Ipswich Borough Council
Grafton House
15-17 Russell Road
Suffolk IP1 2DE
Tel: 01473 432006
Mobile: 07775 771026
It is anticipated that hearings will be held in spring 2016.
Correspondence and updates relating to the examination can be viewed on the Local Plan Examination page.