Temporary Event Notice (TEN) overview

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A TEN is required if you intend to carry out a licensable activity on unlicensed premises, or wish to operate outside the terms of your existing Premises Licence or Club Premises Certificate, for example to operate beyond your normal business hours.

Persons giving Temporary Event Notices will be required to declare if the licensable activities at their event will include 'relevant entertainment'.  Relevant Entertainment is certain types of adult entertainment including lap dancing and pole dancing.

The TEN can be acknowledged by Ipswich Borough Council to permit small scale events in the Ipswich Borough that:

  • Will include a licensable activities

  • Will be attended by no more than 499 people at any time (including any stewards, staff, organisers and performers)

  • Will be held for a period of 168 hours or less

You can apply for a TEN online. If you have or currently hold any licences with Ipswich Borough Council and have not used the online system before, please email licensing@ipswich.gov.uk to ask for an activation key to use the online service, this will link your application to any current licences held.  If you do not and never have held a licence, you will need to first register on the system in order to apply.  Please click here to register and apply: Ipswich Borough Council - Licensing

The following criteria must be met in order for a TEN to be granted:

  • You can apply and pay online for TEN application

  • You must be over 18 years of age to apply for a TEN

  • If you do not hold a Personal Licence you are only permitted to hold a maximum of five TENs per calendar year (inclusive of a maximum of two Late TENs)

  • Please note, a TEN is treated as from the same person if it is submitted through a spouse, agent, employee, civil partner, child, grandparent, brother or sister

  • If you hold a Personal Licence you are permitted to hold a maximum of 50 TENs per calendar year (inclusive of a maximum of 10 Late TENs)

  • A premises can host no more than 15 TENs per calendar year and the aggregate duration of TENs on any premises cannot exceed 21 days in any year

  • There must be a minimum of 24 hours between events at the same premises

  • You cannot put more than one event date on a TEN.  A separate TEN is required for each event date and a payment for £21.00 per TEN

  • If you apply online or by email the Licensing Team will forward an electronic copy to the Police and Environmental Health for consideration.  Only the Police and Environmental Health can object to a TEN being granted, not members of the general public.

  • Ipswich Borough  Council must be in receipt of the completed signed application form and non-refundable fee of £21.00 no later than 10 clear working days before the day on which the event is due to start (For clarification, the first day of the ten days is the working day after we receive the notice. Section 193 of the Act defines "working day" as any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday, Christmas Day, Good Friday, or a day which is a bank holiday in England and Wales. "Ten working days" notice means ten working days exclusive of the day on which the event is to start and exclusive of the day on which the notice is given).

Once a TEN has been acknowledged by Ipswich Borough  Council and no objection had been received you can proceed with the event. You must ensure a copy of the TEN, acknowledged by Ipswich Borough Council, is prominently displayed at the premises.

If a valid objection is received on a TEN there may be a hearing or conditions may be attached to the TEN.

If you wish to withdraw your TEN at any time during the application process, you must confirm to Ipswich Borough  Council in writing at least 24 hours before the start of the event. A cancelled event will not count towards your annual limits.  There is no refund of the £21.00 fee.

Contact Details

Licensing and Enforcement,
Ipswich Borough Council,
3W Grafton House,
15-17 Russell Road,

Telephone icon

01473 432063