If you need to manage your Council Tax, you can use the following forms.
Note: Please note that all buttons on this page will open in a new window, so you can keep this page open while accessing the forms in separate tabs.
Apply for a refund or transfer
Use this form if you believe you’ve overpaid or need to transfer payments to a different account.
Apply for a refund or transfer
Report a change of address
Notify us if you have moved to a new address so we can update your Council Tax records.
Set up a Direct Debit
Arrange to pay your Council Tax automatically each month by direct debit.
Submit evidence
Upload any required documents or evidence to support your Council Tax application or appeal.
Request a single occupier discount
If you live alone, you may be eligible for a 25% discount on your Council Tax. Just moved in? You can request your discount when you complete the change of address form.
Request a single occupier discount
End your single occupier discount
If your circumstances have changed and you no longer live alone, use this form to end your discount.
End your single occupier discount
Apply for Council Tax exemptions or discounts
If you believe you qualify for an exemption or additional discount on your Council Tax, apply here.
Apply for Council Tax exemptions or discounts
Make a special payment arrangement
If you’ve received a summons and need to arrange a special payment plan, use this form below.
Make a special payment arrangement
Landlord notification of tenancy changes
Landlords can use this form below to inform us of any changes in tenancy for their properties.
Contact us with a general enquiry
Please use the general enquiry form only if none of the other forms are appropriate.
Contact us with a general enquiry
Review Forms
If we have sent you a review form requesting updated information, visit the Review Forms page.
Downloadable forms
You can also download the following form as a PDF file: