Construction noise

Construction noise covers noise created on building and demolition sites, and also from roadworks. Even though it can be a temporary, it can still be a serious nuisance to people living or working nearby.

We understand that some noise will be inevitable, but it should be kept to a reasonable minimum. Where problems are identified, we can investigate and advise on, or enforce, solutions.


Legal Framework

Under the Control of Pollution Act 1974, we have powers to deal with this type of problem. The law allows us to restrict hours when noisy work can be carried out at such sites.

Permitted noisy construction activity times
Day   Times work is allowed
Monday to Friday   07:30 - 18:00
Saturdays   09:00 - 14:00
Sundays and Bank Holidays   No working normally permitted

Of course these times may vary due to local circumstances. For example, if the people most likely to be affected by noise are predominantly office workers, site operations may be restricted to outside normal office hours.

Noise control measures

We can mandate quieter equipment, better maintenance practices, or noise barriers to lessen the impact of construction activities.

Collaboration with developers

We will normally try to achieve noise control by agreeing measures with site operators. However, if required we will serve notice using Section 60 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974. Where such a notice is served, we will monitor compliance and will take enforcement action (in accordance with our enforcement policy) where necessary.

Our planners are available to meet developers to discuss a particular project at the planning stage. We are happy to informally agree noise control measures or to produce a written consent to carry out works (subject to agreed conditions) under Section 61 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974, if requested. 

For more details or to discuss a project, please refer to the Guidance for Completing an Application (PDF) or contact us directly.