Food premises approval

If you plan to start a business that manufactures or handles products of animal origin—for instance, slicing and re-wrapping meat for sale to other businesses—you may need to obtain special approval for your premises. This is a legal requirement that must be fulfilled before you begin trading.

What is considered food of animal origin

Food of animal origin includes a variety of products, such as:

  • Meat and Poultry: Fresh, frozen, or cooked
  • Meat Products: Pies, sausage rolls, faggots, black pudding, bacon
  • Raw or Partially Cooked Minced Meat: Sausages, burgers, marinated raw meat, kebab meat
  • Fish and Fish Products: Fish fingers, prawns, lobsters, crabs, crayfish (dead or alive)
  • Live Bivalve Molluscs
  • Ready Meals: Containing fish or meat
  • Milk and Dairy Products: Butter, cream, cheese, yoghurt, ice cream
  • Frogs Legs and Snails
  • Rendered Animal Fats and By-products: Gelatine, collagen, stomachs, bladders, intestines
  • Honey
  • Blood

This list is not exhaustive. The regulations around food of animal origin can be complex, so it’s recommended to contact us early in your planning process for guidance.

Standards and identification mark

To obtain approval, your premises must meet specific standards related to both structure and hygiene. You will need to:

  • Document Your Food Safety Management System: This should outline how you will ensure the safety of the food you produce.
  • Apply an Identification Mark: This oval-shaped mark, which includes a unique number for your business, must be applied to your end product. The mark, provided by your local authority, helps trace the product back to its place of production and confirms that the business meets certain standards.

How to apply

To apply for approval and to get more information about the process, please contact the Environmental Services Food Safety Team using the details below. A team member will guide you through the application process and answer any questions you may have.

For approval and additional information about the application process, please contact the Environmental Services Food Safety Team. They will guide you through the steps and answer any questions you may have.