Consultation – Housing Strategy

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The Ipswich Borough Council Corporate Strategy: ‘Proud of Ipswich’ outlines the Council's five priorities for how we will work to achieve our ambition to champion our community and revitalise our town. The Corporate Strategy feeds into the Housing Strategy and it’s five priorities to work towards ensuring access to good quality affordable homes for our residents. This Housing Strategy sets out how we will work to continue to develop housing and housing services within Ipswich we are proud of. We want our residents to have access to decent and safe homes that they can afford to live in.

A new Housing Strategy for Ipswich Borough Council is needed for the period 2025 to 2030. We have identified the following five priorities and we welcome feedback, giving all interested parties the opportunity to influence the strategy.

Our priorities

1. Ensure housing of all types and tenures is available to meet housing need.
2. Improve the quality and standard of all housing.
3. Be an excellent landlord to our tenants.
4. Support households to maintain access to accommodation.
5. Ensure older persons have access to housing and services that meets their needs.

For further information on each of these areas please read the five challenges for our Housing Strategy before completing the survey below.

How can you help?

We want the residents of Ipswich as well as all interested parties to contribute to our strategy and help to guide our work over the next five years. We cannot deliver everything we want to straightaway, and we would therefore like you to let us know what is important to you and which areas you feel we should prioritise.

Take part in the survey

The closing date for responses is 15 October 2024.