All allocations of social housing in Ipswich are managed through the Gateway to Homechoice Choice-Based Lettings Scheme. Once applicants are registered and placed in their band in accordance with their current circumstances and the allocations policy, they may place bids (register their interest) on properties in any of the seven authority areas (subject to eligibility/bidding criteria being met).
How to apply
To apply for social housing in Ipswich or any of the six other authority areas, please visit the Gateway to Homechoice website and complete an application form. Your application will be assessed, and you will be placed in a band based on your current circumstances. Please see Prioritising Applications for more information regarding this.
You will receive a letter confirming your band and the type and size of property you are eligible to bid on.
Information you need before applying
Gather the following details:
- Name, address, date of birth of all household members to be housed.
- National insurance numbers for all household members over the age of 16.
- Current landlords details.
- Last six years address history for all applicants including tenure (landlord name and address/living with family/owner occupier).
- Employment details.
- Details of any unspent convictions that apply to any household members.
Documents you need to provide
You will also need to provide the following documents within 14 days of the date of request before your application can be processed:
- Proof of identification for all household members over the age of 16 - this must be in the form of a photo driving licence or current passport. If you do not have either of these a birth certificate will be acceptable however, along with this you will need to provide two forms of proof of your address.
- Proof of address for all household members over the age of 16 - this must be a current bank statement or utility bill (of no less than 3 months old) or a current benefit award letter. No other forms of proof of address will be accepted.
- Proof of receipt of child benefit for all children to be housed - this must be your latest Child Benefit award letter, or a bank statement (of no less than 3 months old) showing the payments. For the children you may have , in addition to the ones your receive child benefit for, your must provide birth certificates. We will not include any children that we consider are not part of your household or have a residence elsewhere with another parent or family member.
- Proof of pregnancy if you, or a member of your household, are pregnant - this must be in the form of your MATB1 maternity certificate showing the name and address of the expectant person, along with the estimated delivery date (EDD).
- A valid Notice to Quit (Section 21 or Section 8 Notice) - if this has been served upon you by your current landlord.
- Signed Declaration forms for every household member over the age of 18yrs.
Failure to provide these documents within 14 days of the date of request will result in your application being closed with no further notice.
After you apply
You may need to complete additional forms or provide extra information, such as:
- Medical assessment form (this will be used to assess your long term housing needs based on the information you provide).
- Home owner form if you, or a member of your household, own or has previously owned a property.
- Guarantor letter of approval form if the main applicant is under the age of 18.
- Proof of your registration as a foster carer (this must be your registration documents or a letter from Social Services.)
- Information regarding your service if you are a serving or former member of the armed forces.
Upload your documents to your application via the “My Account” screen on the Gateway to Homechoice website.
Urgent housing needs
If you have received a notice of possession or notice to quit and are at risk of homelessness, contact us immediately. Call 01473 432000 for advice from a Housing Options Officer.
Useful links
- Allocation policy
- Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
- Helpful hints (PDF)
- Uploading your documents to IBC (PDF)
Visit How to use the service for further information on how to use the Gateway to Homechoice website, including an instructional demonstration.