Non-violent relationship breakdown housing advice

Understanding your housing rights

In cases of non-violent relationship breakdowns, housing rights can be complex. You may need to seek legal advice to understand your rights, especially if you have a joint tenancy or co-own a property with your ex-partner.

Where else can I go for housing help and advice?

There are several places you could visit: 


Shelter offers guidance on housing rights following a relationship breakdown. They provide resources and support for those affected.

Citizens Advice Bureau

For general and legal advice related to housing and other issues, the Citizens Advice Bureau is a valuable resource.

Help finding housing in the private rented sector 

You could try to find housing in the private rented sector. The Council’s Housing Options Team will be able to advise you how to find out what housing is available locally and how to apply for Universal Credit or Housing Benefit to help you with your housing costs.

Apply for a council or housing association home

As a longer term alternative option, you could also consider applying for a council home or a housing association home.