Support for Rough Sleepers

What is rough sleeping?

Rough sleeping is the most visible form of homelessness. People who sleep rough often use shop doorways, bus shelters, carparks, stairwells and other public places. They also sleep rough in areas away from the public, bedding down out of sight and moving from place to place.

The dangers they face in public areas can have a detrimental effect on their physical and mental health, making rebuilding their lives and engaging with support services harder and leaving the streets is a lifelong battle.

Tackling rough sleeping together

In Ipswich, we take rough sleeping very seriously. Ipswich Borough Council has been successful in the bid for grant funding from DLUHC under the Rough Sleeping Initiative. The funding is to cover three years from April 2022 – March 2025 and will fund targeted interventions to prevent rough sleeping and move people away from the street.

Our partners and services

Together with our partners, we work extremely hard throughout the year to prevent and reduce homelessness in Ipswich. Our Rough Sleeper commissioned partners include:

Together we provide short term emergency accommodation and support for people sleeping rough if they have a local connection, working to prevent them returning to the streets. Where possible we will support anyone without a local connection to reconnect with their local area.

The Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy sets out Ipswich Borough Council’s vision for an Ipswich where those who are homeless or threatened with homelessness receive the advice, support and assistance they need to access accommodation they can call home. 

What we offer:

  • A Rough Sleeper Coordinator
  • Three Rough Sleeper Navigators
  • Outreach and In-Reach support
  • A Senior Mental Health Practitioner
  • 14 short-term bed spaces
  • 10 longer term supported self-contained properties (including the 8 micro homes at Armitage Place)
  • The Housing First Project

In addition to our funded partners, we also work closely with other relevant agencies in and around Ipswich to maximise the support available to people sleeping rough. These include Suffolk Police, Suffolk County Council, Criminal Justice officers, neighbouring district and borough council teams, Turning Point, Job Centre +, the Probation service, Town Pastors, Street Rangers, Health Outreach teams and accommodation providers.

Ipswich Borough Council will activate a Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) when there is a number of days of severe weather (extreme temperatures, or other severe weather warnings received) to provide a responses to those rough sleeping, along with our partner agencies, to access suitable accommodation. 

How you can help

If you see someone you think is sleeping rough, please report it:

Your help is vital in ensuring that everyone has access to the support they need.