Tenant census
We're inviting tenants to take part in our census and you may be contacted by email asking you to participate. Find out more about the tenant cenus.
Ipswich Borough Council has updated its Housing Strategy to reflect both national and local developments. This includes the need for a separate Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy, as well as new approaches to the Private Rented Sector and housing for older people.
The updated Housing Strategy focuses on four main priorities:
This Strategy outlines what the Council can do directly and how we can influence others to improve housing in Ipswich. It highlights the importance of collaboration with our partners to achieve these goals.
The Housing Strategy is supported by an Action Plan, which is reviewed every three months to track progress on the four priorities.
You can download the Ipswich Borough Council Housing Strategy here (PDF).
Several documents support the Housing Strategy, providing background information and context:
An Annual Housing Strategy Review Report for 2019 is also available.