Ipswich households can now subscribe to Ipswich Borough Council’s Garden Waste Collection Service starting from the 1 April 2025.
Ipswich Borough Council has written a letter to all households that currently have a brown bin to provide information about the new service.
With a yearly subscription of £50 per bin, subscribers will receive fortnightly collections over 50 weeks of the year. Those who sign up will receive a permit sticker for their garden waste (brown bin) which will be delivered within 14 days from 1st March or within 14 days if the order was placed after that date
To make full use of the service, households that sign up by Friday 14 March will get a full years' worth of collections from April 2025 to March 2026. Subscriptions made after the 14 March 2025 may incur a delay of up to 14 days for households to receive their permit in the post.
Households that do not subscribe will see their garden waste (brown bin) collections end after the final collection in March.
Councillor Phil Smart, Ipswich Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Environment and Transport, says:
“The decision to charge for garden waste collections has not been taken lightly and like so many other local authorities, the Council has been hit by significant cost increases outside of its control. We are the last local authority in Suffolk to implement charges to garden waste and the cost for the service is one of the lowest in Suffolk. We’re encouraging households that want to continue to receive garden waste collections to sign up to our new service before 14 March, to receive their first collection from 1 April.”
See further information and sign up to the Garden Waste Collection Service