New affordable housing is set to be completed in Ipswich throughout 2025, marking a significant milestone in the town’s efforts to address housing needs.
Ipswich Borough Council’s Executive is to receive an update on the progress of housing developments next week by its house-building company, Handford Homes.
By March 2026, a total of 302 new homes will have been built across four development sites, providing homes for over 1,000 people, breathing life into neighbourhoods across Ravenswood UVW, Bibb Way, Fore Hamlet, and Hawke Road. The developments will provide a mix of new council housing and market rental properties.
The programme is being part funded by Homes England and the Government’s Brownfield Land Relief Fund, reducing the cost of development to the Council’s Housing Revenue Account.
Looking beyond 2025, Handford Homes is working with the Council to identify new sites for construction to bring further affordable housing to Ipswich.
Councillor Alasdair Ross, Portfolio Holder for Housing at Ipswich Borough Council, says:
“The development of new affordable housing remains a priority for Ipswich Borough Council. We’re pleased that Handford Homes is building high quality housing on behalf of the Council, with 100 homes created across seven sites to date, with a further four sites currently being developed at Ravenswood UVW, Bibb Way, Fore Hamlet, and Hawke Road to deliver a further 302 new homes by March 2026. We are now looking ahead with Handford Homes to identify new sites for construction after 2025.”
Full papers for the Ipswich Borough Council Executive meeting on Tuesday 14 January 2025 at 6pm can be found online at: Agenda for Executive on Tuesday 14th January 2025, 6.00 pm | Democracy Online | Ipswich Borough Council