Ipswich Jobs & Careers Fair

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Looking for a job? Or know someone that is?

Ipswich Jobs and Careers Fair inside the Corn Exchange

These Fairs are open to anyone looking for a new job or career move. There will be a number of employers offering live jobs and career opportunities, from a range of sectors.

There will be the opportunity to:

  • Learn about different sectors
  • Meet local employers
  • Find current vacancies
  • Discover training opportunities

It's free to attend with no pre-event registration required! If you're an employer and would like to find out more, please email ipswich.eainbox@dwp.gov.uk

The next date for the Ipswich jobs and careers fair is 2 October 2024.

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Contact Details

Economic Development,
Ipswich Borough Council,
3E Grafton House,
15-17 Russell Road,

Telephone icon

01473 432920