Representations on a Club Premises Certificate
Once a valid application is submitted you have 28 days to lodge a representation, the expiry date for representations will be shown on the newspaper notice or public notice on the premises.
All representations must be made in writing to:
Licensing Team
Ipswich Borough Council
Grafton House
15-17 Russell Road
Ipswich IP1 2DE
For a representation to be valid and relevant you must clearly show how it will affect your quality of life and it must relate to one of the four licensing objectives.
If your representation is valid a hearing may be required at Ipswich Borough Council, our Licensing team will contact you to confirm the next steps.
Review an existing Club Premises Certificate
If you feel a Club is in breach of any of its conditions you can apply to review their Club Premises certificate using the relevant form below.
You must be able to show how it affects your quality of life and it must relate to one of the four licensing objectives:
- The protection of children from harm
- Public safety
- Prevention of crime and disorder
- Prevention of public nuisance
If applicable a hearing may take place at Ipswich Borough Council, all parties will be invited to the hearing which will be held in public. At the hearing the committee could choose to leave the licence as it is, modify the licence conditions, exclude activities form the licence, suspend or even revoke the licence