Application for a Minor Variation to a Premises Licence (or Club Premises Certificate)
If you wish to make an amendment to your current Premises Licence or Club Premises Certificate that does not adversely affect any of the licensing objectives you can apply to Ipswich Borough Council for a Minor Variation.
Minor Variations are typically used for:
- Removing licensable activities from your licence
- Small amendments to the layout of the premises
Please read the guide to applying for Minor Variations below if you are unsure which type your proposed change falls under.
If you have any questions please contact the Licensing Team before starting your application. Incorrect applications or missing information will mean your application is rejected.
You are now able to apply for this licence.
Apply for a Minor Variation
- To apply for a Minor Variation, please download and complete the application form (PDF).
Application requirements
In order to apply for a Minor Variation you are required to:
- Complete the online application form and pay the fee of £89.00
- Return both parts of your original Premises Licence
- If this is not available please confirm why in writing
- Submit a plan of the building with your application (if applicable) showing internal layout and where licensable activity will take place
- Display a Public Notice (we can provide a copy of a Notice if one is needed)
- It must be displayed in a conspicuous place on the premises for at least 10 working days starting after the day the application was submitted
- It must be displayed where it can be conveniently read by members of public from the exterior of the premises
- It must be at least A4 size
- It must be white in colour
- It must be printed legibly in black ink or typed in a black font equal or greater that font size 16
- If the premises covers an area greater than 50 square metres a further, identical notice must be displayed every 50 metres of the perimeter of the premises
- Please ensure your application is complete and valid before displaying your Public Notice. If incorrect you may need to display again for 10 working days after submission of a complete application
- The Public Notice gives the public the opportunity to make representations. If the representation is valid it will result in your application being refused. You might need to consider amending your application or going down the variation route in which case any relevant representation may result in a Committee hearing at Ipswich Borough Council
After submission
Your Minor Variation will be acknowledged within 3 working days. The decision to authorise or reject the application is made by The Council's Licensing Team, who may liaise with any of the Responsible Authorities to assist with making the decision. Any valid public representations will also be considered.
If there are any amendments needed to enable us to accept the application we will contact you, please retain a copy of the completed forms you submit.