Regulation overview
The Notification of Cooling Towers and Evaporative Condensers Regulations 1992 require that businesses notify their local authority if a cooling towers and/or evaporative condenser is situated on their premises. There are exceptions to this requirement including where the equipment contains no water exposed to the air.
You must also tell us if a tower becomes redundant and is decommissioned or dismantled.
Purpose of the regulations
The main purpose of these regulations is to prevent legionellosis (including legionnaires disease) and help in the investigation of outbreaks.
Notification process
Please use the Cooling towers notification form below to notify the Council's Occupational Health and Safety Team of any equipment situated at your premises.
Upon receipt of your application we will inspect your premises if necessary and add the appropriate details to the public register. Notification is free.
For more information about Legionella please visit the Health and Safety Executive website.