The main function of Ipswich Borough Council’s Licensing and Enforcement Service is to protect the public and environment. We do this by helping our customers achieve the standards required to obtain a licence, whilst avoiding unnecessary expense.
We enforce the law in a fair and consistent manner, focus on prevention rather than cure and try to avoid imposing unnecessary regulatory burdens. We will, however, take firm action against those who flout the law or act irresponsibly.
Our licensing functions
We are responsible for the following licensing functions:
- Hackney carriage and private hire vehicles
- Alcohol, entertainment and late night refreshment
- Gambling activities
- Sex establishments
- Street trading
- Street and house to house collections
- Sitting out areas
- Scrap metal
- Animal welfare
- Animal boarding
- Dog breeding
- Pet shops
- Riding establishments
- Exotic, dangerous and wild animals
Environmental Health Enforcement Policy
Our Environmental Health Enforcement Policy 2017 document applies to all of these functions and sets out what you can expect of Ipswich Borough Council’s Licensing and Enforcement Service.