Cycling in Ipswich

The Ipswich Cycle Map below shows the on-road and off-road cycle routes within and around the town, together with cycling parking facilities.

Town centre cycling restrictions

Cyclists should not cycle on footways unless signs are present which indicate that it is allowed.

The Council has introduced the Safer Cycling scheme which allows cyclists to pedal across the town centre from both directions between 16:30 and 10:30 every day. Outside of these hours you should dismount your bicycle and walk through the town centre areas.

This scheme covers:

  • Carr Street;
  • Tavern Street;
  • The Cornhill;
  • Westgate Street;
  • The pedestrianised section of Princes Street;
  • The Buttermarket.

There are many busy junctions around the town centre and cyclists are urged to take care when travelling through these areas. There are contra-flow cycle lanes in Upper Brook Street and Museum Street and cyclists are reminded of the need to be aware of oncoming traffic, particularly buses, and the possibility of pedestrians suddenly stepping into the road.

Further information on cycling

Suffolk County Council's website has lots of information that may be of use to cyclists in Ipswich town centre. View their advice on travel.

Visit the Go Sky Ride website for information on local cycling activities and bike rides.