If you encounter any street cleaning issues in Ipswich, please use the relevant button below to report specific problems. Note that all buttons will open in a new window.
Dog fouling
Help us address dog fouling issues in your area.
Let us know about any graffiti that needs removal.
Report unauthorized posters or flyers in your neighborhood.
Fly-tipping / Illegal dumping
Notify us of any illegal dumping or fly-tipping activities.
Report fly-tipping or illegal dumping
Help keep our streets clean by reporting litter problems.
BBQs in parks or open spaces
Report unapproved BBQs in parks or open spaces.
Report BBQs in parks or open spaces
Litter bins and dog litter bins
Let us know if litter or dog litter bins need attention.
Report litter bins and dog litter bins
Public toilets
Inform us about any issues with public toilets.
Report excessive leaf litter in your area.
Abandoned needles and other drug litter
Help us safely address abandoned needles and drug litter.
Report abandoned needles and other drug litter
Abandoned trolleys
Notify us about abandoned shopping trolleys.
Other street cleaning problems
Report any other street cleaning issues not listed above.
Report other street cleaning problems
Your reports help us maintain the cleanliness and safety of our community spaces. Thank you for your assistance!
For further information or if you need additional help, please contact us directly.