When undertaking your development project it is important to consider the health and safety implications that your planned works may have.
For example, did you know that you could have responsibilities under the Construction Design and Management Regulations Act or the Health & Safety at Work Act?
It is important to be aware of the dangers and hazards associated with the type of work that will be carried out. Can you be sure that the people carrying out work for you understand the dangers and hazards associated with their work?
Key issues to consider
There are many different issues to consider when undertaking a construction project. For example:
- Hand-held equipment and tools;
- Vehicle movements;
- Confined spaces;
- Hazardous substances;
- Site security, including access by children;
- Noise and vibration;
- Health and hygiene;
- Underground services, such as electricity;
- Scaffolding and work at heights.
These are just a few examples of some things to consider before you start.
Further advice and information
For additional guidance, refer to the following resource below: