Conservation areas

Overview of Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas are designated by the Local Planning Authority under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. These are areas designated because of their special architectural or historic interest, the character and appearance of which it is desirable to preserve.

The designation of a Conservation Area introduces a number of additional planning controls which mean that you may not (with certain exceptions) demolish a building or even part of one without first obtaining consent from the Council. This is because it is the appearance of the area as a whole that is important and could be harmed by unsympathetic work that could diminish the special character of the area.

There are 15 designated Conservation Areas in Ipswich, for which Conservation Area Appraisals have been written and adopted. In addition, there are some Conservation Areas in Ipswich that are subject to an Article 4 Direction which places further planning controls on individual properties.

Conservation Areas

Barrack Corner Conservation Area


Burlington Road Conservation Area


Cemeteries Conservation Area


Central Conservation Area


Chantry Park Conservation Area


Christchurch Street Conservation Area


Henley Road Conservation Area


Holywells Park Conservation Area


Marlborough Road Conservation Area


Norwich Road/Anglesea Road Conservation Area


Park Conservation Area


St Helen's Conservation Area


Stoke Conservation Area


Wet Dock Conservation Area


Whitton Conservation Area


Conservation Area Appraisals

Conservation Area Appraisal documents have been prepared for each of the borough's 15 conservation areas. These provide information on identifying the significance and characteristic features of the conservation area; maps which illustrate the precise boundaries confirming the properties which fall within these areas; guidance on proposals to properties within conservation areas; and also the specific policies which apply within each area.

Below are the appraisals available as PDFs, listed by the date of designation:

These titles are general and do not define the areas precisely.

Viewing designation maps

Reference should always be made to the boundaries on the designation maps that can be viewed online at this link: Conservation Areas on Online Mapping