Local List (Buildings of Townscape Interest) Supplementary Planning Document

Throughout Ipswich there are many buildings and structures, which, while not on the statutory list maintained by Historic England, are of architectural and historic interest or make a significant contribution to the character and appearance of the borough. In Ipswich, a Local List of significant but undesignated properties was first drawn up by the Ipswich Society in 1984. The list was revised and adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document by the Council in 2013, with adopted revisions in 2016. The latest revision -  Local List (Buildings of Townscape Interest) Supplementary Planning Document 2021 ('Local List SPD') - was formally adopted by Ipswich Borough Council on the 28th July 2021.

Criteria for inclusion on the Local List

Buildings and structures appear on the Local List SPD where they have been found to meet one or more of the criteria based on those in Historic England’s Local Heritage Listing: Identifying and Conserving Local Heritage (Advice Note 7, 2nd Edition, Jan 2021), which sets out several measures for which sites should be assessed for local heritage listing.

Purpose and importance of the Local List

The Council hopes that the publication of this latest revision of The Local List (Buildings of Townscape Interest) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) 2021 will raise awareness of the many unlisted but interesting and locally notable historic assets which make up the historic environment of our town and support the Council’s adopted Local Plan.

The inclusion of a building or structure on the list will be a material consideration which the Council will consider when assessing planning applications. This means that when a planning application is made for a property on the Local List, any proposed alterations or extensions will be considered with regard to the character of that property, whilst the design of development within the setting of the Locally Listed building, will also be considered.

Inspection of adoption documents

The Local List (Buildings of Townscape Interest) SPD 2021 and documents that support it are available to view below:

Superseded documents for reference purposes only

Updates to the Local List (Buildings of Townscape Interest) SPD 2025

The next revision to the Local List SPD will be published in 2025, replacing the existing list. Please follow this link for more information about how to make nominations.