Land Between Humber Doucy Lane and Tuddenham Lane.
Public inquiry to be held at East Suffolk House and Grafton House & virtually
Opening on 21 January 2025 at 10.00am
Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/X3540/W/24/3350673 & APP/R3515/W/24/3350674
The Inspector:
The Inspector for the inquiry is Ms Deborah Board BSc (Hons) MA FRGS MRTPI
The Programme Officer:
The Programme Officer for the Inquiry is Ms Louise St John Howe. She is an impartial officer and works under the direction of the Inspector.
Contact Details: Email: Phone: 07789-486419
The main Inquiry web page is hosted on the East Suffolk website.
Please access all detailed information there, including all core Inquiry documents and links to the virtual Inquiry for all dates.
Reason for inquiry
Appeal by Barratt David Wilson and Hopkins Homes relating to the applications to Ipswich Borough Council and East Suffolk Council for Hybrid Application - Full Planning Permission for the means of external access/egress to and from the site. Outline planning application (all matters reserved) for a mixed use development for up to 660 dwellings (Use Class C3), up to 400 sq m (net) of non-residential floorspace falling within Use Class E and/or Use Class F2(b), an Early Years facility, and associated vehicular access and highway works, formal and informal open spaces, play areas, provision of infrastructure (including internal highways, parking, servicing, cycle and pedestrian routes, utilities and sustainable drainage systems), and all associated landscaping and engineering works.
The above appeal relates to a development site which is located in both Ipswich Borough Council and East Suffolk Council. Permission was refused by both councils on 05 June 2024; this public Inquiry includes the appeals against each Council.
An inspector appointed by the Secretary of State will hold an inquiry, opening on the date shown above to decide the appeal. The inquiry will be held at East Suffolk House and Grafton House, The Inquiry is also being held virtually on Microsoft Teams.
Schedule of dates:
- Days 1 to 4: 21.1.25 - 24.1.25 (East Suffolk House, Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton, IP12 1RT)
- Days 5 to 8: 04.2.25 - 07.2.25 (East Suffolk House)
- Days 9 to 12: 11.2.25 - 14.2.25 (East Suffolk House)
- Day 13: 18.2.25 (East Suffolk House)
- Day 14: 19.2.25 (Grafton House, Russell Rd, Ipswich, IP1 2DE)
Please find updates as well as all links to access the virtual Inquiry on the East Suffolk dedicated web site at:
Documents relating to the appeal can be viewed on Public Access (East Suffolk Council Planning Application Reference DC/24/0771/OUT & East Suffolk Council Planning Appeal Reference AP/24/0059/REFUSE) & Ipswich Borough Council documents Reference IP/24/00172/OUTFL & Appeal reference 24/00018/REFUSE .