Core Document Library Information

The documents in this library are those which have informed the production of the Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review or the Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) Development Plan Document, or are relevant to the implementation of these plans. Documents relevant to previous stages in the production of the two plans are also included.

Accessing documents

Links to each document are provided within the lists in the library. If you would like to view a paper copy of any document these are available at the venues below. For a small number of documents it is not possible to provide a paper copy – please refer to the Core Document Library index for details (PDF).

Venues for paper copies

  • Town Hall

    Corn Hill
    (Submission documents only)

  • County Library

    Northgate Street
    Ipswich IP1 3DE

  • Ipswich Borough Council

    Grafton House
    15-17 Russell Road
    Ipswich IP1 2DE