Ipswich Wildlife Audit 2019
Suffolk Wildlife Trust was commissioned by Ipswich Borough Council on 24 July 2019 to carry out ecological audits of 79 sites around Ipswich in connection with the Ipswich Local Plan Review 2018-2036. Following the UK Government’s mandate for net gain in 2019, the Audit also provides advice on how this could be achieved on each site.
Surveys were undertaken between July and September 2019. The survey protocol conformed to Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey and the information was presented as individual Local Plan site allocation reports using a standardised reporting form including a Phase 1 map and photographs. 23 of the sites were subject to Phase 1 Habitat Survey through the 2013 Wildlife Audit, so these reports were updated to reflect current conditions.
Ipswich Wildlife Audit 2019 Content
The Ipswich Wildlife Audit 2019 provides:
- Information and a description of the wildlife interest for each site;
- Maps habitat types;
- Lists species including protected species or evidence of their presence, Priority species and habitats, biodiversity and appraises nature conservation value;
- Takes account of previous survey data (where relevant);
- Ranks sites in terms of wildlife value with which to evaluate sites;
- An electronic photographic record of the sites;
- A written report of results and recommendations for any necessary compliance or requirements for further surveys; and
- Makes recommendations for net gain for each survey site
The Ipswich Wildlife Audit 2019 is available to download below:
Ipswich Wildlife Audit 2013
In 2012 the Council commissioned Suffolk Wildlife Trust to update the Ipswich Wildlife Audit from 2000. The audit was carried out over two years and was completed in autumn 2013. It takes the form of a Phase 1 (extended) Habitat Survey, which is a standardised system for recording semi-natural vegetation and other wildlife habitats.
The audit included potential development sites, open spaces and County Wildlife Sites N.B. the scope of this study was wider than the 2019 Wildlife Audit. However, if you require information relating to Local Plan development sites you should use the 2019 Wildlife Audit. The information is presented as individual site reports using a standardised reporting form including a Phase 1 map and photographs. The presence, or likely presence, of Biodiversity Action Plan habitats and species and also protected species is recorded.
The introduction below describes the methodology used for the audit and lists all the sites surveyed. It also provides a key to the habitat maps included in the site sheets. Please refer to the introduction before reading individual site sheets.
Individual Site Sheets
You can view or download the individual site sheets below, which include sites at the Northern Fringe (sites 144 - 149):
- Sites 1 to 10 (PDF)
- Sites 11 to 20 (PDF)
- Sites 21 to 30 (PDF)
- Sites 32 to 40 (PDF)
- Sites 41 to 50 (PDF)
- Sites 51 to 60 (PDF)
- Sites 61 to 70 (PDF)
- Sites 71 to 80 (PDF)
- Sites 81 to 90 (PDF)
- Sites 91 to 100 (PDF)
- Sites 101 to 110 (PDF)
- Sites 111 to 120 (PDF)
- Sites 121 to 130 (PDF)
- Sites 131 to 142 (PDF)
- Sites 144 to 149 (Northern Fringe) (PDF)
- Sites 150 to 153 (PDF)