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Ipswich Borough Council adopted its Development and Archaeology Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on 28 November 2018.
The Development and Archaeology SPD highlights the considerations and processes for the management of archaeological remains through the development process. It should be read alongside the policies of the Ipswich Local Plan adopted February 2017, mainly Policy DM8 Heritage Assets and Conservation. It is relevant to archaeological remains of all dates and types across the Borough, and will help developers and homeowners to plan development projects.
For general interest, the SPD also presents an up-to-date summary of the archaeology of the Borough, drawn from Suffolk County Council’s Urban Archaeological Database for Ipswich.
The Council undertook a ‘call for ideas’ public consultation on the scope and context of the Development and Archaeology SPD. This ran from 14 June 2017 to 26 July 2017. This was followed by public consultation on the full draft Development and Archaeology SPD from May to July 2018. The comments the Council received are reproduced in the Consultation Statement together with the officer’s response indicating how the points raised have been addressed through the SPD.
The SPD and documents that support it are available to view below:
These documents are also available for inspection at the following locations:
To view the documents at the Council’s Offices, Grafton House, please call 01473 432019 or email: planningpolicy@ipswich.gov.uk to arrange a viewing.