Procurement and tendering

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Find out about our current tenders and the process for applying, also information about our procurement procedures and strategies.

When we undertake a procurement exercise, we follow a method to ensure that we obtain best value for the tax payer whilst meeting our objectives.
We conduct our tender processes electronically using the Suffolk Sourcing procurement portal.
Our Contracts Register.
Each tender or opportunity is advertised separately and has a unique IBC reference number.
This section sets out the policy frameworks within which procurement in Ipswich Borough Council is undertaken.
Suffolk Sourcing is an e-Tendering and Contract Management System jointly operated by Ipswich Borough, Suffolk County Council and other Suffolk District and Borough Councils.

Contact Details

Ipswich Borough Council,
Finance and Procurement,
1C Grafton House,
15-17 Russell Road,

Telephone icon

01473 433903