CLOSED: Draft Suffolk Coast European Sites Recreational Disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

This consultation is now closed.


The Draft Suffolk Coast European Sites Recreational Disturbance and Avoidance and Mitigations Strategy Supplementary Planning Document (Suffolk Coast RAMS SPD) is an Ipswich Borough Council consultation only

The Suffolk Coast RAMS SPD has been drafted as a key resource to assist developers and others to understand the requirements of the Habitats Regulations Assessment Recreational Disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy simplified to ‘the Strategy’ and its implementation.

The Strategy is a means by which new residential growth can be delivered in Ipswich Borough, Babergh District, Mid Suffolk District and East Suffolk Council. The Strategy facilitates development whilst at the same time adequately protecting European Sites from harm that could otherwise potentially occur because of increased recreation pressure from new residents.

As ‘competent authorities’ under the Habitats Regulations, the local planning authorities need to ensure that plans and projects under their jurisdiction do not lead to adverse effects on the integrity of European Sites.

Purpose and benefits

The local plan level Habitat Regulations Assessments (HRAs) identified risks to European sites as a result of increased housing, which could lead to additional recreation pressure on the European Sites.

The Strategy provides a positive opportunity for applicants as it negates the need for them to commission their own work to respond to the Habitat Regulations Assessment process. Therefore minimising time, expenditure and risk that their development could not adequately mitigate the likely negative impacts of cumulative recreational pressure on the protected sites.

The Draft Suffolk Coast RAMS SPD summarises the requirements of the Strategy for developers and others and provides a framework for implementing those provisions.

Please note that the Strategy is a background technical paper in response to the Habitat Regulations Assessment findings of the Local Plan and will not be subject to formal consultation. The Strategy will however be published alongside the Draft Suffolk Coast RAMS SPD due to the close relationship between the two documents.

Consultation details

Previous consultation

The Council undertook a ‘call for ideas’ public consultation on the scope and context of the Suffolk Coast RAMS SPD. This ran from 14th June 2017 to 26th July 2017. The comments are reproduced in the Consultation Statement together with the officer’s response indicating how the points raised have been addressed through the Draft SPD.

Current public consultation

We are currently seeking feedback on the Draft SPD. This consultation will run from 9am on Wednesday 18th September to 11.45pm on Wednesday 23rd October 2019.  Any comments received will be analysed and considered before the Council adopts the Draft SPD.

Documents available

The Draft SPD and documents that support it are available to view below:

Inspection of documents

You can also inspect these documents at the Customer Services Centre, Ipswich County Library and Grafton House Reception. See Notice of Consultation for further details.

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