CLOSED: Licensing Cumulative Impact Assessment Consultation

This consultation has now been closed.

The Licensing Act 2003 requires each Licensing Authority to prepare a Statement of Licensing Policy that sets out the basis on which it will perform its functions.

Ipswich’s Policy includes a Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA) which places restrictions on granting licences for premises selling alcohol or late night refreshments in certain areas where they would have an adverse impact on crime, disorder and public nuisance.

Under Section 5A of the Licensing Act 2003 the Council as the Licensing Authority for Ipswich must review the CIA every three years and the current assessment is due for review before January 2022.

Consultation details

As part of this review the Council must carry out a public consultation.

Residents and businesses were invited to have their say on the CIA.

The consultation ran from 31 August 2021 until 30 September 2021, and comments were to be submitted by emailing

Comments received were considered in detail as part of the Council's review of the CIA.