Subscribe to Ipswich Direct

Ipswich Direct is an e-newsletter that promotes council news, information, and projects to anyone who has subscribed to the mailing list. Ipswich Borough Council ensures that information held on its databases is not shared with any third parties.


To register with Ipswich Direct, simply click the button below. Please note that the button will open in a new window.

Register for Ipswich Direct

This account is managed by the Borough's Communications and Marketing team, on behalf of colleagues across the Council.

What to expect

Subscribers can expect regular emails covering some or all of the following:

  • Updates on sports, events, area committees, the Ipswich Regent Theatre, and Corn Exchange.
  • Alerts about new content on our other digital channels, such as news, publications, videos on YouTube, events, and publicity campaigns.
  • Invitations to provide feedback on specific issues on which we are consulting.
  • Information on upcoming events and occasional live coverage of events.