Ipswich Borough Council is working in partnership with other Suffolk Councils to ensure that all privately rented homes across the County meet Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards.
How to report a problem with your waste collection, whether blue, brown or black bin.
A variety of paper, plastic and aluminium items can be recycled together in bins that we supply.
Find out more about Modern Slavery, how to spot the signs, and how to report it.
Modern slavery is a blanket term used when someone is coerced or forced to do something they don’t want to, and another person gains from this exploitation. Modern slavery includes, slavery, domestic servitude, forced labour and human trafficking. Victims of modern slavery are usually held against their will and are often unseen. Victims of modern slavery can be any gender, age, nationality, or ethnicity.
Ipswich Borough Council is proud to share in the launch of "Move More to Feel Better", a physical activity and movement strategy for Suffolk.
It is important that you let us know when you move house, and about any other changes that may affect your Council Tax. If you are a landlord you can report tenancy changes. We can then update your Council Tax records.
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