Safer Streets 2 + 3 Projects

Safer Streets 3 (July 2021 - March 2022)

The Council was successfully awarded £124,391.00 of Home office funding for Safer Streets 3 which focused on improving the safety of public places along Norwich Road

The core aim of the project was to reduce violence against women and girls (VAWG) and improve the perception of safety for women and girls in public spaces. Measures were designed to deter crime and reduce anti-social behaviour to help residents, visitors and businesses in the area feel reassured and safer when out and about.  

Project achievements included:

  • Public awareness campaign - messaging in and around the Norwich Road area was installed to spread awareness and encourage people to report crimes. This ran alongside an extensive Crimestoppers campaign throughout February and March 2022.
    Eight new CCTV cameras installed - to monitor public spaces along Norwich Road between Valley Rd and Civic Drive with three at Barrack Corner. The cameras are monitored by the Council’s 24-hour Emergency Control Centre.
  • Personal safety alarms and personal confidence classes were provided free of charge
    The ‘Ask for Angela’ campaign was shared with businesses
  • The safety mirrors in the St Matthew’s Street subway were upgraded
  • Additional  waste bins were installed
  • Flyposting was removed along Norwich Road
  • Community engagement events with the Police and Council services help inform the public and gain feedback about safety in the area. 

Safer Streets 2 (October 2021 - March 2022)

Safer Streets 2 received £226,200.00 of Home Office funding to focus on reducing acquisitive crime in the Westgate ward and surrounding areas.
Acquisitive crime involves taking possessions from people or property without permission.  

Achievements include:

  • Over 20 interventions to improves resident property security,  education, engagement, and street scene improvements.
  • Joint work with the Police and multiple council services to achieve these outcomes.