Ipswich Borough Council is committed to providing transparency in the way in which it delivers its services to all of its residents.
The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government has committed all Local Authorities to publish items of spending over £500 and GPC (Government Procurement Card) spend for all transactions.
The following reports list all transactions spent on GPC. This does not include payments to Ipswich Borough Council employees. The report shows a number of columns of data, which are explained in the table provided.
Government Procurement Card (GPC) transactions
| Field Name | Explanation |
A | Posting Date | Date expenditure charge on GPC |
B | Expenditure Area | Department responsible for expenditure |
C | Supplier Name | Name of supplier |
D | Net Amount | Value of transaction |
E | Expense Type | Nature of expenditure |
F | Reason for Expenses | Items bought and nature of expenditure in more detail |
- GPC Transactions June 2024: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions May 2024: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions April 2024: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions March 2024: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions February 2024: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions January 2024: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions December 2023: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions November 2023: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions October 2023: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions September 2023: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions August 2023: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions July 2023: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transacttions June 2023: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions May 2023: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions April 2023: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions March 2023: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions February 2023: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions January 2023: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions December 2022: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions November 2022: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions October 2022: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions September 2022: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions August 2022: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions July 2022: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions June 2022: CSV and PDF
- GPC Transactions - May 2022: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - April 2022: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - March 2022: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - February 2022: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - January 2022: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - December 2021: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - November 2021: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - October 2021: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - September 2021: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - August 2021: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - July 2021: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - June 2021: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - May 2021: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - April 2021: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - March 2021: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - February 2021: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - January 2021: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - December 2020: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - November 2020: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - October 2020: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - September 2020: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - August 2020: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - July 2020: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - June 2020: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - May 2020: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - April 2020: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - March 2020: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - February 2020: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - January 2020: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - December 2019: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - November 2019: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - October 2019: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - September 2019: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - August 2019: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - July 2019: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - June 2019: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - May 2019: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - April 2019: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - March 2019: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - February 2019: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - January 2019: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - December 2018: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - November 2018: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - October 2018: CSV and PDF
- GPC transactions - September 2018: CSV and PDF
These reports only include non-personal data and are published in line with existing data access regulations, namely the Freedom of Information Act and the Data Protection Act.
If you have any questions regarding any of the information within the reports please email us. We aim to respond to your query within 10 working days. When a request covers a range of suppliers or payments your request will be treated under the Freedom of Information Act and we will respond within 20 working days.
Details of Ipswich Borough Council's Management team and Heads of Service including details of their pay, and a full organisational structure for the Council is available to view on the Council Officers page.