Ipswich Tree Warden Network is a group of volunteers passionate about supporting trees in Ipswich. This is a flexible volunteer led scheme, with no set volunteer hours and the tree warden co-ordinator facilitates volunteer led projects they are passionate about. This could be anything relating to trees, from organising tree themed events to planting trees, engaging schools with their local trees to growing trees at home!
About the National Scheme
The Tree Warden Network, co-ordinated by The Tree Council are local tree champions who plant, look after, and stand up for the trees in their patch. The Tree Warden Scheme started life in 1990, inspired by Leicestershire and East Sussex Groups of local people who wanted to make a positive difference to trees in their community and from there The Tree Council created the national scheme.
Tree Wardens plant, protect and promote their local trees. No prior training or experience in tree management is needed – just a love of trees and a few hours to spare. Basic training will be provided by the Tree Council and The Ipswich Tree Warden Network.
Every year, tree wardens plant and care for thousands of trees and dedicate thousands of hours of volunteer time to the care of the trees in their community.
Tree wardens are part of local networks co-ordinated in a variety of ways including by local authorities, parish councils, independent and other associated groups. Networks operate independently from each other deciding what the priorities are for the trees in their area, allotting them to share their unique skills and interests in the most effective way.
The Tree Council manages this national programme and works to develop and support networks across the country.
More information about the scheme.
About the Ipswich Tree Warden Network
The Ipswich Tree Warden Network (ITWN), launched in June 2022, is a dedicated network of tree volunteers who focus on all things trees within the boundaries of Ipswich. We also work collaboratively with the wider Suffolk Tree Warden Network and other local wildlife groups on wider projects in the area.
The Ipswich Tree Warden Network is co-ordinated by the Ipswich Tree Warden Co-Ordinator, a member of the Wildlife Team at Ipswich Borough Council with guidance from The Tree Council.
Some of the activities include:
A few events and training opportunities will be organised each year by the tree warden co-ordinator and projects will be offered for tree wardens to get involved in i.e. tree planting, growing trees from seed etc. Tree Wardens are also encouraged to find tree related projects they are passionate about.
Here are some examples of recent projects the tree wardens have worked on:
Volunteer for the Ipswich Tree Warden Network
Full training will be provided, and no previous experience is needed to join the Ipswich Tree Warden Network. For more information about the roles please see the documents below:
Ipswich Tree Warden Leader Volunteer
Ipswich Tree Warden Application Form
Please find further information below about our Code of Conduct, Do's and Don'ts for Tree Wardens and our GDPR (Data Protection) Statement for information held about volunteers.
Ipswich Tree Warden GDPR Statement
Ipswich Tree Warden Code of Conduct
Ipswich Tree Warden 'Do's and Don'ts'
If you are interested in becoming a tree warden, please complete the Ipswich Tree Warden Application Form and sign up to our Code of Conduct, returning both of these completed documents by email to: ipswichtreewardens@ipswich.gov.uk
For any enquiries about the roles or the project, please get in touch with the Ipswich Tree Warden Co-ordinator by emailing ipswichtreewardens@ipswich.gov.uk or calling 01473 433998.