Friends of Christchurch Park

The Friends of Christchurch Park green and white logo

Purpose and activities

The sole purpose of the Friends Group is to help look after the Park for the public good, and to promote its welfare. Anyone who shares this aim is welcome to join.


For a small annual fee of £10 you can join in Friends activities all year round, including:

  • Illustrated talks and discussions;
  • Guided Park walks;
  • Practical conservation work.

You will also receive an informal seasonal newsletter. And all for less than 10p per week for the whole household!

How to join

To become a member, please download and complete the membership application form (PDF).Once filled out, send it to:

Robert Fairchild
Friends of Christchurch Park
17 Henley Avenue
Ipswich, IP1 6RN

Contact Details

For more information about the Friends of Christchurch Park and their activities, visit their website.