Parks and open spaces

Residents and visitors can enjoy access to over 500 hectares of green spaces and wildlife habitats throughout the town.

Also in this section

Services List


Discover the 16 allotment sites in Ipswich and learn how to rent a plot.

Park byelaws

New byelaws have formally been adopted by Ipswich Borough Council for our parks and open spaces.

Wildlife Activity Packs

Whether you already love wildlife or have recently developed an interest in the natural world, these packs will bring nature to life for children and families!

Park locations and opening times

Find out the locations, opening times, and seasonal closing schedules for Ipswich’s parks, including details on facilities and accessibility.

Bourne Park

Find information about Bourne Park, a large open space with a play area and paddling pool.

Play areas

Ipswich has 93 play areas which are managed by the Borough Council.

Chantry Park

Chantry Park is the largest town park in Ipswich. It extends over 124 acres of parkland and wildlife areas on the western edge of town.

Orwell Country Park

Orwell Country Park opened to the public in 1995 and has since expanded in size and facilities. Learn all about the 470-acre site.

River Action Group

The River Action Group improves and maintains the Gipping River with local support and welcomes public involvement.

Friends Groups

A Friends Group is a group of local residents and other interested parties who dedicate their time and knowledge to improve their local park or open space.

Rangers events

The Rangers run a wide range of events including guided walks, craft activities and river cruises.

Park Walks

Our Wildlife and Parks teams have created walks in 12 parks to protect wildlife, use less-frequented areas, and improve access to nature for wellbeing.

Grass cutting in Ipswich

The maintenance of grassed areas in public open spaces and housing areas is undertaken by Ipswich Borough Council.