Park Walks

Our Wildlife and Parks teams have created walks around 12 of our parks and open spaces to encourage use of particular paths to avoid disturbance to wildlife, encourage use of under used areas of the parks and improve access to nature for mental health and wellbeing.

Whether you are new to Ipswich, want to explore somewhere different, or even want to explore your local park in more depth, our new park maps identify our favourite circular walking routes around the parks.

Walking routes

There are up to 4 routes on each of the 12 parks:

  • The red routes are longer routes which may include uneven terrain, steps or boardwalks (perfect for a work out),
  • yellow routes are gentler routes on easier terrain (perfect for an afternoon stroll),
  • blue routes are suitable for wheelchairs and pushchairs
  • and black routes take you on the best walks for wildlife

Please note that not every park has every colour walk and unfortunately not all of our parks have wheelchair accessible routes due to natural paths which can be uneven and slippery in adverse weather conditions.

What to expect on your walk

The walks aim to show you some of the best features of our parks whether historical, wildlife hotspots or simply a nice view, whilst also being sensitive to the rare wildlife we have on many of our parks. Please note on our nature reserve maps there are areas where you must keep your dog on a lead, or areas closed to the public for the protection of wildlife and fragile ecosystems.

Available park maps

Please view and download the maps for the following sites below:

Maps are provided within the notice boards at the park entrances and there are co-ordinating coloured discs along the route to make sure you do not get lost on your walk. The maps can also be downloaded and brought with you on your visit.