Report anti-social behaviour and nuisance

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is a broad term used to describe day-to-day incidents of crime, nuisance and disorder that intimidates, causes distress or makes someone's life a misery - from littering and vandalism to public drunkenness and noisy or abusive neighbours.

We take ASB seriously and are committed to preventing, and where possible, resolving ASB cases in an effective manner.

Before reporting ASB

Check if it is ASB

While some things may cause irritation or be a temporary nuisance, they are not necessarily ASB. Here are some examples of what the Council does not consider to be ASB:

  • Children playing e.g. ball games (unless engaged with associated ASB)
  • Actions that are normal everyday activities or household noise (e.g. cooking smells, lights being turned on/off, flushing toilets)
  • People carrying out DIY jobs (unless work is carried out during unsocial hours)
  • Being unable to park outside your own home
  • One off, isolated issues (e.g. party or minor altercation)
  • Children and young people gathering socially (unless engaged with associated ASB)
  • People being rude or giving you a ‘funny’ look
  • Cats roaming or fouling
  • Disputes on social media

Speak to your neighbour

Often issues arise because the person causing the problem is not aware that their behaviour is affecting you. If it's safe to do so, talk to the person and try to resolve the issue. It's advisable to do this after the event and not while it's ongoing when emotions are running high.

If this doesn't work there are steps we can take to help resolve the problem and we will work with you to find the most appropriate solution.

Report an issue to us

How to report ASB

If you are experiencing anti-social behaviour (ASB) and cannot resolve it informally with the person causing the problem, you can report it to us online. Click the button below to access the reporting form. Please note that the button opens in a new window.

Report anti-social behaviour (ASB)

When reporting, please provide as much detail as possible. Your information will be kept confidential and only shared with the necessary agencies.

Log Sheets

When you report an issue to us you may be asked to complete a log sheet to help build a picture of the activity taking place. These sheets help provide essential evidence that will help us take further action if required.

Case Review

If you've reported ongoing ASB to us, Suffolk Police and/or your housing provider and feel that no effective action has been taken to resolve it, you can activate the case review and ask for a review of your case. A threshold does need to be met for a review to be eligible.

In an emergency

Remember, always call 999 in an emergency – including when life is threatened, people are injured or there is a crime in progress and an immediate Police response is necessary.

If an offence has happened and the offender is no longer present, call 101 or report online.

Other support

You may wish to contact Suffolk Constabulary direct or speak with your housing provider to discuss further. 

Support is available to victims of crime via Victim Support.