Ipswich Garden Suburb (formerly Northern Fringe)

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Ipswich Garden Suburb, is an area of land to the north of Ipswich identified through the adopted Local Plan for the development of housing and associated facilities.

Current news on the Ipswich Garden Suburb development
Information regarding the background to Ipswich Garden Suburb including the policy context, the adopted Ipswich Garden Suburb Supplementary Planning Document and the Infrastructure Delivery Plan.
Information regarding the progress of delivering the Ipswich Garden Suburb including, details of the outline planning permissions, Housing Infrastructure Fund and the Delivery Board.
Information regarding the Henley Gate Neighbourhood of Ipswich Garden Suburb.
Information regarding the Fonnereau Neighbourhood of Ipswich Garden Suburb.

Contact Details

Ipswich Borough Council,
Development Management
3W Grafton House,
15-17 Russell Road,

Telephone icon

01473 432913