Ipswich Borough Council does not directly provide a support and advice service for people affected by alcohol or drugs, however we work with a number of partners who can provide this service.
Services provided for adults and young people in Ipswich are provided by Turning Point in conjunction with Suffolk Family Carers and Iceni.
The services provided include:
If you, a family member or friend need advice about drug or alcohol misuse or would like to make a referral into treatment contact:
Turning Point Suffolk Recovery Network
Sanderson House
17-19 Museum Street
Telephone: 01473 220240
Email: Suffolk@turning-point.co.uk
Youth service (for anyone up to their 25th birthday) offered by specialist youth recovery workers on referral.
Young people's Drug & alcohol Use Screening Tool (DUST) referral form
Turning Point
Sanderson House
17-19 Museum Street
Ipswich IP1 1HE
Talk to Frank
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
Al-Anon Family Support Groups
Health and Wellbeing Suffolk