Ipswich Towns Fund

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The Towns Fund is a scheme of funding that has been launched by the Government for towns such as Ipswich to boost economic productivity and support sustainable growth. 

Ipswich is one of the 101 towns across the country eligible to bid for up to £25m of funding to be spent over the next 5 years. A Town Deal Board has been established to help develop proposals for a Town Deal.
Ipswich Borough Council is holding public consultation on the redevelopment of Lloyds Avenue.
Ipswich Borough Council has been awarded £2.4m as part of the Government’s Towns Fund to improve Local Shopping Parades in Ipswich.
The Council carried out a public consultation as part of plans for the Greener Ipswich project.

Towns Deal funding is part of the Government’s investment plan to level-up regions, providing an opportunity for economic growth across the country.

 Ipswich Borough Council on behalf of Ipswich Town Deal Vision Board has secured £8m to bring empty properties in the town centre back into active use through a Regeneration Fund project.

Thanks to Towns Deal funding for Ipswich, Ipswich Central and Ipswich Borough Council will be delivering a 'Digital Ipswich' project, which includes new information screens in the Town Centre and the creation of ten Augmented Reality (AR) Trails.
This webpage contacts information about the Ipswich Town Fund Board members, Terms of Reference plus papers of meetings held to date for this project.
Find out more about the Greener Ipswich Project, being delivered by community groups, businesses and Ipswich Borough Council thanks to the Government's Levelling Up; Towns Fun.

Contact Details

Ipswich Borough Council,
Grafton House,
15-17 Russell Road,

Telephone icon

01473 432000